Sunday, July 25, 2010

sing, sing, singapore!

It is officially 4 months and going. I have finally settled into Singapore and so much has been done and I must say it's really not an easy to task to do this all on your own. So far so good, I'm truly proud of myself, of course not forgetting heaps of help from families and friends! :)

House warming 2010....and you know it's bad when the karaoke set is out! 

It was not easy coming back to Singers as it's contrive, small, hot, muggy and all too familiar but now I'm quite happy as I have a routine. Feeling more settled down. I am going for my Power Plate classes, Singing classes with Steven Francis and playing the piano again. I have been neglecting my guitar only because work has been ridiculously crazy that I really don't have much time to think about anything else.
Everything seems so perfect except that Bee is not here with me and there is really no words to describe at times and pretty often how hard it feels to be so far away from each other and not able to hold hands and do the normal couple-y type of activities that we used to share in Hong Kong. It truly sucks. I hate long distance relationship and once again, I am in it. 

I am missing Hong Kong so much. Sometimes I do wonder if I did make the right choice to return home to Singapore. But I guess every time I am able to see my parents over the weekend to have a meal with them, I  understand fully why I am back. So be it, I will grow to love my own country again..slowly but surely. 

Oh yes, besides the mundane stuff that really bores the @#@! hell outta me, I appeared in STYLE magazine twice since I came back and of course thanks for my buddy Kamarudin, she made me famous  in my small little village. It was fun and totally unexpected. Love it. Totally will shoot for Vogue, Harpers and W... (ya right kidding! She will kill me if I do that. I'm totally Style's bitch at the moment. 

Me getting my hair and make-up done* Feel totally like a model..NOT! Ha!

Ready for my next pose*

*Hated the shots selected. Was probably the ugliest few they took :(  Oh well.. I learnt not just to say it's ok. It's not. 

Well at least the next big blog I am putting up will be my one month trip to London for two commercial shoots and I am very much dreading and looking forward to at the same time. It has been hell July just prepping for 2 shoots at the same time back to back! The only consolation is that it's London and I can go crazy shopping. Other than that, I am definitely looking forward going to Milan with my BFF Lena to Milan Fashion Week in September! I can't WAIT! At least I can cross this off  my "10,000 Things to do before you die " list and move on with another. This will keep me excited and adrenaline pumping for the next one month. Me and Bee are planning to also take 2 weeks off to go Italy for a romantic getaway! Hopefully Bee's ruptured disc will be recovered by then! 

So stay tuned and London will be next! Count Down 10 days to London..Weeeeeee! 
